Saturday, January 30, 2010

Residents' Weekend...

As an honorary York resident I joined the locals today, participating in attractions free of charge. I caught a YorkBoat at Lendel Bridge and braved the cold on top to to get a river view of the town. I hadn't realised, from previous visits, that York was a river town (though what town isn't?). In fact it boasts two rivers - the Ouse and the Floss. The Ouse, on whch we were travelling, was a trading river with a port and warehouses at York. Nor did I realise how badly the rivers can flood. In 2000 the Ouse rose over 17 feet above its usual summer level - which is a frightening volume of water.

Something that caught my fancy - the cat on the roof (see right). This is the builder's (or architect's) signature apparently!

Locals were out in force. The town was full. It reminded me of Easter Sunday in New York when all the local families gathered in Central Park for a fun day.

Walking home I saw a baby on his Dad's shoulder. The wee fellow's fingers were bright red with cold and he had no hat on (see my previous post about hats). I guess the breeding them tough starts early!! I have truly never been so cold in my whole life. 

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